Estos días he estado creando feeds para poder permitir que aquellos que usen lectores de feed puedan ver las novedades que vaya incorporando a la web. Para ello he incorporado a la web los enlaces pertinentes, bien sea xml o rss, y con copiar las dires y agregarlas a sus lectores, podrán saber si incorporo nuevos videos de una manera rápida, sin necesidad de abrir la web para ello. Además, he incrementado los esfuerzos y he convertidos los videos que ofrezco en formato mp4, con una aceptable calidad, y así pueden incluso usar el ITUNES para visualizarlos cómodamente. El enlace para para ITUNES lo pueden incluso copiar en éste blog, ya que lo tienen en enlaces a la derecha. He comprobado satisfactoriamente que funciona, pero si hubiese algún problema no duden en comunicarlo. En breve daré detalles de cómo lo he echo y así, aquellos que lo consideren oportuno podrán usar el mismo sistema para sus webs. Un saludo...
These days I have been creating feeds to be able to allow that those that readers of feed use can see the new features that are incorporating to the Web. For it I have incorporated to the Web the pertinent connections, or he is xml or rss, and with copying dires and adding them to its readers, they will be able to know if I incorporate new videos of a fast way, with no need to open the Web for it. In addition, I have increased the efforts and I have turned the videos that I offer in format mp4, with an acceptable quality, and thus they can even use the ITUNES to visualize them comfortably. The connection stops for ITUNES it can even copy in this one blog, since they have it in connections to the right. I have verified satisfactorily that works, but if there were some problem does not doubt in communicating it. Shortly I will give details of how there am I throw it thus and, those that considers it opportune will be able to use the same system for his webs. A greeting..
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